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Events and operations intern

  • 20 semaines
  • 12 étapes

À propos

Experience the best of both worlds at Bali Bustle - a productive workspace paired with the delightful Bustle Cafe. Fuel your creativity with a perfect cup of coffee or indulge in a delicious lunch, all under one roof. "Bali Bustle brings you the very best with a new, modern Co living and Coworking space in Bali. Share ideas, traveling tips, and get to know one another during your stay at Bali Bustle. People come from all over the world sharing the same passion for traveling, location dependent working, and exploring new places! Learn tricks and tips for creating your dream here at Bali Bustle!" ( The co-living areas include the Facilities below: - Swimming Pool - Small Gym (8am-10pm) - Rooftop area - Cafe - Coworking Space - Call rooms - Private office (extra fee) Interns in the coworking space will support the whole team in community and events management. Organisation will include facilities of all 4 locations (all within the same area), working directly under founders and managers. Events will cater to all the guests of the coliving and coworking space throughout all of Bali Bustle, who stay between a few days to some months. This will comprise of skill-sharing and excursions around Bali, or otherwise requested.

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Déchargez-vous des tâches RH, des demandes de renseignements et de recherche de candidats. Gardez votre entreprise à joure avec les dernières tendances, technologies et expertises avec un regard neuf.

Offrir aux étudiants une autonomie guidée au sein d’un réseau d’entreprises et d’organisations soucieuses de l’environnement pour la réussite scolaire.

© 2023 par Greenternships.
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